CSA B620 Tanks

CSA B620 Tanks

Edmonton Engineering Services provides a full range of services related to the highway transportation of dangerous goods. Our Transport Canada(TC) registered Design Engineers provide design, testing, and quality control (QC) services for highway tanks, portable tanks, and small portable cylinders for the transportation of dangerous goods.

Edmonton Engineering Services highway transportation services:

  • design of highway tanks, portable cylinders, and portable tanks

  • review of tender specifications for quoting

  • technical support: materials & welding

  • third party shop and fabrication auditing

  • supplying codes and standards quality assurance training

  • preparation of manuals

  • dangerous goods manuals

  • quality manuals

  • design of tank and cylinder repairs and modifications

  • mechanical testing

  • tank and cylinder inspection

  • designing quality programs that include assembly, manufacture, testing, inspection, repair, modifications, and registration with Transport Canada

  • quality control testing

  • highway transportation forensic engineering analysis. Our Transport Canada Registered Design Engineers are fully experienced in the design of highway tanks, portable tanks, and dangerous goods cylinders. All work is done to the relevant standards: ASME, CWB, CSA Transport Canada Quality Control (CSA B339, CSA B620, CSA B621, CSA B622, B626) etc.

Edmonton Engineering Services #9 16728 115St NWEdmonton, AlbertaCanadaT5X 6G6 (780) 476-9670Info@Edmonton.Engineering